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Showing posts from June, 2018


Nature of human being is completely dependent on the fact,how he reacts to every complex order of reactionary world and one of the complex and extremely extravagant order is Freedom.  I can't define Freedom neither any philosophy nor maths can formalism it’s serious componential definable definition, it's quit difficult to explain either sense of freedom manipulate human behaviour or humanity in its core is made up of Freedom. Just some billion years ago when god created something out of mud and let them walk up and down in paradise, cover them with silk and fed them with honey, taught them secrets of universe and order,fire to bow before mud.  And what all god want from Adam and his wife is to obey his only The commandmen t but....! If we dig, little deep down the road of history of our papa and mama we really be fascinated and surprised,They were in The Paradise ,fancy word for which all Children of Abraham are banging each other’s head and They were in direct Ph...